I am a primary school teacher working for a home school and tutor online with a passion for children to be engaged in learning. The resources in my shop include lesson plans, PowerPoint Presentations, and hands-on activities with many cross-curricular links.
I am a primary school teacher working for a home school and tutor online with a passion for children to be engaged in learning. The resources in my shop include lesson plans, PowerPoint Presentations, and hands-on activities with many cross-curricular links.
This lesson is a fun lesson that can involve teachers and support staff in the lesson. It gives pupils opportunities to find out about their level of fitness and their lifestyle they lead.
Also offering opportunities to link this lesson to a maths lesson on data collection, as well as giving pupils their own personal fitness record. The lesson comes with three PE circuit fitness lessons to carry out the data collection.
I have taught several classes this lesson when supply teaching, the children loved the fun involved in the circuit lesson and finding their pulses and recording their data.
Additional Circuit fitness PE lessons can be purchased separately.